As we all know, Paris Hilton is going to jail June,5. And Lindsay
Lohan has just checked into Promises of Malibu rehab. The average
stay there is 45 days, and if you do the math, she will not be out
while Paaris is still in jail, and more importantly out for her 21st
birthday. So come June 5th America will be sans Lohan and sanz
Paris. For a solid month. Where will the paparazzi go? Whats next?
I am assuming this large part will still occur without Lohan, but she is
without sponsors after her accident and bust for cocaine. Svedka Vodka,
Caesars Palace, The Social House Restaurant, and PURE Nightclub are
all thinking about pulling out of the 21st birthday bash. Nevertheless
people who own cameras and walk Sunset Blvd. in hopes of snapping a
picture of LiLo or Paris, will be without satisfaction, as they will have to rely
on crooked cops who will take pics of Hilton behind bars or strung out
film graduates to try to get pics of Lohan within Promises. I hope for
the sake of entertainment at LEAST a Paris Hilton mugshot leaks.
As for who will be the center of attention as the two socialtes of L.A. are
commited, we will have to see.