Alot of people are invited to this wedding. Alot of famous
people. Not the most famous people.This is by far the biggest
celebrity wedding of all time. The preparation is like nothing
we could have expected in tying the knot. And apparently
pictures will be widely available. The mayor of the town which
Tomkat are getting hitched, is charging $1,200 for photgraphers
to take pictures at the event. They are "renting" out upper
balconies to people willing to pay. Above Tomkat's wedding.
That is $1200 into 1,200,000. As for the list. Giorgio Armani,
Leah Remini, Kirstie Alley, Jeanne Elfman, John Travolta,
Kelly Preston,Priscilla and Lisa Presley, Jada and Will Smith,
Mark Anthony,Victoria and Dave Beckham, Andrea Bocelli,
and Brooke Sheilds.Andrea Bocelli by the way is a blind
Tenor. Yea I dont know.However TomKat managed to hire
a "private jet" for his scientologist buddies, who are attending the
event. Piloted by John Travolta I am sure. But of all this I ask,
Is J-Lo going to be at the wedding? I mean Mark "zombie"
Anthony will be going. I dunno why.So I am sure J-Lo will
be going trying to hog attention and spraying her funky Glo on
everybody.And now there are reports of Tomkat going commando
for some scientology nuptual.So Andrea Bocelli,blind, and them
going commando. This reminds me of Eyes Wide Shut, where the
piano player is blindfolded. Perhaps the Roman Scientology
Ceremony will become an A List celebrity orgy. But never the less
we will see thousands of pictures in every magazine forever.