hobo has taken his search for females on his shower wall.
He has scribbled this in his dressing room bathroom at
The House of Blues in Chicago. Apparently he is doing so
well without Britney, he can curse her however he wishes
without fear of reprise. This will actually hurt his case
to win custody of his kids very bad. Known as slander.
However, I will disect this writing into a reality more
becoming of KFed as this puts him on too high a horse
to be taken seriously. Today- a day which Kevin Federline
will spend hopelessly wonder what he will do without his
wife's influence. I am a free man- if by free he means
free to go city to city realizing he has no friends or fans
and get more broke doing it.Ladies look out- meaning run
for the hills. His bank account is draining and he needs
another notorious female too mooch off of until he releases
a sequel to his whining.Fuck a wife- I hope he means sex with
Britney Spears. That was the only thing he had going for
him. Because if he means "forget" her, he is insinuating
he doesn't need her or is better off without her, which isn't
true.Give me my kids bitch- I don't think KFed will be "given"
anything.And the more he drags her through court and threatens
sex video sales, the further the possibility will become.
And they are the couples kids. And by calling her a bitch
it will further hurt him in court. Way to go KFed, you are
playing all of your cards horribly. I am pretty sure this is
a slam dunk for Britney.