" I like him." Gibson says of Richards. He spoke
candidly about the racist tirade from once mainstream
comedian Michael Richards. " I feel badly for the guy.He
was obviously in a state of stress." He told Entertainment
Weekly.I personally like Michael Richards. But could you
imagine if these two were in the same room together?
People would think it was a klan meeting. When asked
what Mel thought of Richards critics, he said,"They'll
probably torure him for a little while and then let him go."
Does everything have to be about torture for Mel Gibson?
When asked by The Associated Press what Richards might
do after the tirade,reguarding people wanting to work with
him, Gibson was more than reassuring that no one will
hold a grudge against Richards." No people aren't like that.
Thos are just the headlines:'Mel Ostracized by Hollywood!'
Hollywood is what you make it.There is no great poo-bah
up there saying, Go you are Condemned!" However, it
is a different story from people working closest with Richards.
A former actor who used to work with Richards on his failed
television show, The Michael Richards Show said that he feared
for his well being every time he was on stage with him. He
confessed on Howard Stern," He made threats to everybody.
He once told the producer,'I will kill you.I have a gun and I will
do the time.' He could be extremely abusive." It seems like we
are getting two different reactions from this Michael Richards
story. Either way, he will continue to be chastized on the Jesse
Jackson radio program, until Richards can find his own inner peace.
In which he will then build back his career to the D list acting
jobs and comedic gigs he was partaking in before this incident.