Bon bon huffing housewives will get their two hour fix once
more when Sex and The City the movie hits theatres probably never.
HBO is now in talks with the celebrities of the once A-List sex
hungry,maritally deprived foursome. All of their movie careers
are doing mediocre at best these days. except Cynthia Nixon
who barely landed a guest spot on ER. I personally could not
bare to sit for two hours in a movie theatre with wahtever chick
dragged me there to see four nymphomaniacs talk about their
periods and how they love to buy Gucci before they make a night out
on the town.The show was painful, and of course no nudity
from Sarah Jessica Parker, which we were all expecting. I myself
will be on a cinematic hiatus when this hits box offices. But maybe
they can teach movie goers how to improve relationships. And
then fuck their brains out.