Crossing the Blues

Dexter Got Married

Posted by mista

Dexter is a creepy show and this is kind of creepy news in and of itself.
Creepy but awesome. Just like the show. Dexter has moved up in my
favrite show rankings to the coveted #3 spot. Big Love,Curb Your
Enthusiasm and then Dexter. In the show he has a step sister which
he just married in real life. what is also cool is the age difference. 18
years! Michael C Hall is 37 and his new wife, Jennifer Carpenter is 29.
That means Hall is a full blown dirty old man and I wouldn't have it any
other way. Be sure to get Dexter season 3 which will be available on dvd
fairly soon. And you can buy Dexter season 1&2 on dvd right now! Check
it out.