Theres alot of rumors going around these days. One of them being that Jennifer
Aniston got dumped by John Mayer. This is the true rumor. You see, John got
bored of Jennifers boring ass and her square nipples. So he decided to screw
around with his managers secretary, or something like that. In fact, he slept
with multiple women while "dating" Jen Aniston. For quite a while they were
"friends with benefits." However, Jen in her growing desperation for a husband
and father of her future children, asumed that John was a one woman guy. She
was very wrong. I don't know why I get such a saddistic high when I hear that Jen
Aniston gets dumped by a new guy. Probably because she was so cocky with the
success of her career on Friends. Her career isn't so successful anymore. I am still
waiting for her to come out with a big screen film, but apparently nobody wants
her. So we will see what pans out for Jennifer Aniston but I doubt she will find another
famous suitor. I also doubt she will be in another best selling movie. But we will see.