Crossing the Blues

Now this is a rarity. Julia Roberts hates being photographed or filmed in a bikini.
Why? I do not know. More pictures were posted at but he doesn't
think Julia Roberts is attractive. I say he is fucking crazy. She looks great. My only
complaint is we don't have a good butt shot. I sorta have a thing for Julia Roberts.
I do not know why but I loved her in The Mexican and Closer. Unfortuneately she
makes about $20 million per picture so bribing her with a couple of million dollars
to take it all off in Playboy is not a plausible idea. In the pictures she is playing with
I am assuming her kids. Who they are exactly I am not sure. But there they are.
Don't worry people, the more she unveils herself in a bikini and the paparazzi capture
it, I will post them here.