Crossing the Blues

So now its done. Over a year in the making and TomKat
have tied the knot. Of course, this wan't the official wedding.
That took place in Los Angeles before they even left for Rome.
This is a fake wedding. They are acting like they are getting
married. They are good at that. Tom an actor,Katie an actress
acting like they are happy with their child they acted like Katie
gave birth to. The wedding was a full fledged freak show. I
expected some humble guests, a nice crowd with the focus on
Cruise and his newly brainwashed bride. Instead we got
Posh spice showing up in a hat that, if it would have been raining
would have caught fifty plus gallons of water in the brim. And
wearing a dress that mashed up her boobs so it looked like her
dress was a size too small. And a massive knot on the cleavage.
However she is Katies best friend, so she was there. Unlike Marc
Anthony. Who is he friends with? He was invited and brought
his attention whoring wife J-Lo. Who showed up looking great
but clearly pissed she wasn't getting the attention Posh was
getting.On a stranger note, Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy
showed up. Why rubberface and not Stephen Speilberg was there
I do not know. A lot of other freaks showed up, but no one worth
mentioning as the rest acted and dressed incredibly boring. The
event was huge, the wedding of the century. The head of Scient-
ology David Miscavige was Tom Cruise's best man. The cake was
a five tiered white chocolate cake studded with white chocolate
chips. I looked through the guest list, and it mentions these
celebs, but it usually says Jim Carey and Posh Spice among others.
Who exactly are the others who fall under the category of Jim Carrey
and Posh Spice. What D-Listers? As for the wedding gift, Katie
gave Tom a Vacheron Constatin watch worth $23,000. He
gave Katie, a role in his next film. The are using Brad and
Jen's wedding photographer from their 2000 wedding.
Which I assume means Cruise will split from Kate in five
years leaving her to make a sham of her movie career and
Cruise will head off to India to adopt children with a
woman so hell bent on abducting children that even the
people of Inia will refer to her as a "crude monster."