a sex tape with Kevin Federline, and he is selling it. The
going rate is $50 million. This sounds like a hoax story
but this being reported by multiple credible sources. He
has shopped it around to a large amount of buyers, and the
highest offer so far is $52 million.He will either sell it, or
sell it to Britney for $30 million and custody of their two
kids. Sources close to Britney said, " At the time they
were in the honeymoon stages of their relationship and
couldn't keep their hands off each other. They did nothing
all day but have sex- and play the odd game of chess." This
was during their period when they first met and were living
out of The Beverly Hills Hotel.The highest bidder is a company
in Arizona. If this does get sold, it will be burned and thrown
on the internet in a matter of hours. And I personally look
forward to seeing it.Spears is also worried about this hurting
her wholesome image. Right. Either way, I would much like
to see this vid being posted all over the internet instead of that
loser get to keep their two kids.