Crossing the Blues
Flavor Flav! I will never get bored of this
man. It is being reported that Flavor Flav's seventh
child is on the way. Not from a known girlfriend and
not from Flavor of Love winner Deelishis. Flavor
says that all of the childs needs will be taken care
of, and that he will not end current relationship with
Deelishis. When asked if he plans on getting married,
he said "I'm too young to die."This makes 8 if you
include Deelishis' child Jasmine.To think of more
Flavor Flav's running around is just sickening.
No word on who the "babies momma" is, other
than confirmation that she is not a "Flavor of
Love" woman. When asked who she is Flavor
said " a shorty from Las Vegas." Maybe we'll get
lucky and Brangelina will adopt some Flavors.