Is this a new trend? Is it "hip" for amazing
Hollywood singer/actresses to hook up with the
most boring normal uncool c-listers in the country?
Now John Mayer is talented, I like some of his music.
He isn't the flashiest of celebrities and he certainly
doesn't look like he has the "finesse" to land a peice of
ass like Jessica Simpson. We see this condition with alot
of pop icons. Christina Aguilera is dating a guy so boring
and unenthusiastic I dont even remember his name.
Jessica Alba is dating Cash Warren the assistant director
for Fantastic Four. And I am no beauty judge, but he
isn't the male Jessica Alba. I am supposing there is more
to a name than I assume. J-Lo is married to a blood crazy
zombie. Marc Anthony is the walking undead and
sleeps in a coffin. How they can have a satisfactory life
together is beyond me. Now Jessica Simpson is giving
it up to a guy who wears Levis and a Fruit Of The Loom
shirt everywhere he goes. She will be off to the south to
film Blonde Ambition soon. Maybe after that launches her
career a little, she will be able to date someone within her