State Unniversity to try to convince college kids to vote.
What Ben Affleck has to do with voting or college I have no
idea. He is like 40 and he couldn't hold a conversation with
a politician if he had Steven Hawkings translating."It's not
about politics. It's about what you can do for your district."
Said Affleck. What fucking district is he talking about? Does
Affleck live in Connecticut? The kids at college aren't going
to make a dent in Hollywood's politics. I suppose it is Afflecks
attempt to look smart. And stay in front of TV cameras.
Remember Project Greenlight? Him and Matt Damon.
Matt Damon is starring in about three Oscar nominated
movies right now and has more to come, and Afflecks last
role was Clerks two. I hope Afflecks "democratic influence"
makes a difference in these students lives. I am sure they
are turning around and voting republican after they walk
out of the fund raiser.