There is this shitty show on tv called
Cheaters that is riddled with white trash scum who like to cheat on their boyfriends/girlfriends. To promote the next season Michelle Bombshell McGhee is going to get naked for it. I am sure they will photoshop out the genital warts and crabs but her fucked up looking tattoos will remain. I am a tattoo enthusiast and am actually getting a tattoo tomorrow and not all of Michelle's tattoos are bad but I vehimently disapprove of her "W" & "P" tattoos on her legs that signify white power. Bitch is a gutterslut and I am sure people the world over will be puking at her naked pics. She givees tattoos a bad name and people need to remember that most people with tattoos are cool like Kat Von D and not racist cunts like Michelle Bombshell McGhee.