According to Radar David Hasselhoff was hospitalized for the fifth time in 5 years for alcohol poisoning. I know this guy likes his sauce and he even sacraficed his spot on
America's Got Talent to prove it only to be replaced by probably my worst enemy in Hollywood, Howie Mandell. I am sorry but that guy is in the closet and is just begging to come out. Anyway, Hasselhoff's daughter is really suffering because she is the person who has to take care of David when he drinks too much. I have never seen his daughter but if she is hot then I can offer her a trip to my own private island where we can relax and make love all day long and not think about our stupid parents. As for David? We will have him involuntarily locked up in a nut house before our trip so there won't be any worries. Don't you love how I always seem to have a solution to every problem?