Crossing the Blues

Yea and not just a little broke either, alot of broke. I knew all those stints
in rehab would finally tally up, and whats with living at The Chateau
Marmont for 3 years? Heres the damage, $1 million on a hotel bill,
$137,000 in rehab costs,$350,000 on a customized Mercedes Benz,
$1 million on clothes,$70,000 on hairstyling, and of course $500,000
on partying.How does one do all this in just a few short years of fame?
Easy, demand 2-3 million smackers per movie and then just piss
it away on losers like Samantha Ronson on the sunset strip. Not that
complicated. Seeing as everyone now knows that Lohan is a psycho-
path with a drug problem, I dont think she'll be makin that 2-3
mil anymore. But we will see.