Apparently KFed was about to get himself a little movie role. He was
suppose to star opposite of Reeves in " The Night Watchman." Or at
least he was in the movie. He was fired from the film but his manager
didn't tell him. He found out he was cut when he showed up for a curtain
call. Thats hysterical. KFed is such a loser. But when it comes to him and
Britney, he is a winner. I can imagine the tears he cried when he found out
he wasn't going to be in the film. I personally, if I heard of a movie starring
KFed, I would go see it. Definately. I mean he can't be as bad at acting
as he is rapping. And I saw him on CSI, he was convincing as a slacker
onlooked who talked "jive" to the cops. I think KFed should be a wizard
in Harry Potter 6.