I love MTV. OK not really. But every few years it is
necessary to tune into the channel and find out exactly
what is happening in pop culture. I was a diehard MTV
fan in 2000 when all the popstar BS was going on and now
I will start tuning in again to see who will be our next American
hero. Musically and in film. Now alot of new shows of 07' do
not look all that promising. But if you love journalism and
corny reality TV shows that bring aspiring young men and
women to complete destitution, then you will love I'm From
Rolling Stone. MTV is taking 6 young and talented writers
who have a desire to write for the legendary music magazine
and give them a chance to compete for a permanent spot on the
Rolling Stone payroll. A chance with cameras. This takes place in
New York and they have so far promised us no voting off,
living together, or sissy catfights like you see in The Real World.
I wish them the best of luck and will be tuning in Sunday.
Airtime is Sunday Jan.7 at 10 p.m. [ Source ]